Viessmann support bracket

SKU: 7521304
Regular price €2,00 VAT included

Viessmann support bracket


material no. description
SK05799 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vitopearlwhite
SK05781 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, without controller
Z012902 Fastening system rafter hook 10xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
7417763 Vitosol 200-F SV2B 2.3m²
SK05822 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitosolic 200
ZK01509 Vitosol 200-F SHE 2.3m²
SK05757 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
SK05763 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVUB
Z012895 Fastening system rafter hook 1xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK07338 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, vitographite
SK05780 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, without controller
Z012916 Fastening system rafter hook 6xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
7417764 Vitosol 200-F SH2B 2.3m²
SK07367 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKG Vitocell 100-W CVBA white, SM1A
7417765 Vitosol 300-F gross area 2.51 m2, absorber area 2.30 m2
ZK00855 Fastening system rafter hooks vertical without counter battens for Vitosol 200/300-T
Z012913 Fastening system rafter hook 3xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK07366 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKF Vitocell 100-W CVBA white, SD1
7521306 Rafter hook roof tile set
Z012917 Fastening system rafter hook 8xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05758 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
ZBT0108 Package Vitosol 200-FM 2x SV2F without cylinder for Vitodens
SK05732 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVBB
ZK00853 Horizontal rafter hook fastening system. without counter battens for Vitosol 200-T
SK05813 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
SK05865 Package Vitosol 200-FM 2x SV2F without cylinder for Vitodens
Z012905 Fastening system rafter hook 3xSV Roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05842 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
SK05774 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, solar module, vito silver
SK05826 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU solar module, cylinder temperature sensor
Z012892 Fastening system rafter hook 6xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05746 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 6.9m², TW solar module, SM1
SK05805 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
SK05795 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vito silver
SK05793 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, Vitosolic 200
Z012898 Fastening system rafter hook 4xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
7571217 Vitosol 200-FM SV2F
7561687 Vitosol 100-FM SVKF
SK05734 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
SK05791 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, Vitosolic 200
Z012907 Fastening system rafter hook 5xSV roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
7637813 Vitosol 100-FM SVKG
Z012874 Fastening system rafter hook 6xSV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK07344 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SM1A
7637812 Vitosol 100-FM SVKF
SK05760 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 6.9m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
SK05777 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
Z012914 Fastening system rafter hook 4xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05765 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVUB
Z012900 Fastening system rafter hook 6xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012853 Fastening system rafter hook 1xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05743 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 2x SV2F with SD1 Vitosolic 100, SD1
SK05736 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 6.9m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
SK05762 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-U 300 l, CVUB
SK05740 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-U 300 l, CVUB
SK05818 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, without controller
SK05840 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
SK05802 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vitopearlwhite
Z012909 Fastening system rafter hook 8xSV Roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012908 Fastening system rafter hook 6xSV Roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012887 Fastening system rafter hook 1xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012897 Fastening system rafter hook 3xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05766 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVUC-A
SK05803 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
SK06294 Package Vitosol 100-FM SV1F, 6.9m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
Z012893 Fastening system rafter hook 8xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK07308 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU cylinder temperature sensor
7508661 Vitosol 200-F SVK
SK05741 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVUB
SK07047 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKF Vitocell 100-B CVBA silver, SM1A
SK05773 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, solar module, vito silver
ZK02625 Vitosol 100-FM, type SV1F
7417761 Vitosol 100-F SV1A 2.3m²
7537742 Vitosol 200-F SV2D 2.3m²
SK05801 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vitopearlwhite
Z012875 Fastening system rafter hook 8xSV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
ZK02626 Vitosol 100-FM, type SH1F
SK06292 Package Vitosol 100-FM SV1F, 4.6m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
SK05779 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, without controller
SK05825 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU solar module, cylinder temperature sensor
7537738 Vitosol 200-F SH2C 2.3m² horizontal
7537740 Vitosol 300-F SH3C 2.3m² horizontal
7538888 Vitosol 200-F SHE 2.3m²
SK05731 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-B 300l, CVBB
ZBT0098 Package Vitosol 200-FM 6 SV2F,HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, solar module
SK05768 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 6.9m², TW Vitosolic 100, SD1
Z012903 Fastening system rafter hook 1xSV Roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
ZK00852 Horizontal rafter hook fastening system. with counter battens for Vitosol 200-T
Z012919 Fastening system rafter hook SVK roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012079 Fastening system rafter hook 6xSV roof tile with counter battens
SK05817 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, without controller
SK05828 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, Vitosolic 200
SK05806 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
7374164 Vitosol 300-F SV3A 2.3m² vertical
ZBT0097 Package Vitosol 200-FM 4 SV2F,HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, solar module
SK07309 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU cylinder temperature sensor
SK05794 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, Vitosolic 200
SK07343 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SM1A
SK05782 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, without controller
SK07345 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SM1A
7537741 Vitosol 300-F SV3C 2.3m² vertical
SK05748 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-B 300l, CVBB
SK05767 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW Vitosolic 100, SD1
SK05792 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, Vitosolic 200
7374162 Vitosol 200-F SV2A 2.3m² vertical
SK06308 Package Vitosol 100-FM SH1F, 4.6m², TW SD1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
SK05841 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
7417767 Vitosol 100-F SV1B 2.3m²
Z012918 Fastening system rafter hook 10xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012873 Fastening system rafter hook 5xSV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05744 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 6.9m², TW Vitosolic 100, SD1
Z012856 Fastening system rafter hook 4xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05753 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 6.9m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
SK05821 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitosolic 200
Z012854 Fastening system rafter hook 2xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05739 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVUB
SK05809 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, solar module, silver
Z012920 Fastening system rafter hook SVK roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012896 Fastening system rafter hook 2xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK07339 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, vitographite
Z012859 Fastening system rafter hook 8xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
Z012889 Fastening system rafter hook 3xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05751 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
SK05810 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, solar module, silver
7637798 Vitosol 100-F SH1B 2.3m²
SK05797 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vito silver
SK05829 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, Vitosolic 200
SK05759 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 6.9m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
7374163 Vitosol 300-F SH3A 2.3m² horizontal
SK05775 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
SK05742 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVUC-A
SK05699 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKF with Vitocell 100-B CVBA and SD1
SK05725 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVBB
SK05770 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 6.9m², TW solar module, SM1
SK05745 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW solar module, SM1
7637796 Vitosol 100-F SH1A 2.3m²
SK05727 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
SK06310 Package Vitosol 100-FM SH1F, 6.9m², TW SD1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
SK07365 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKF Vitocell 100-W CVBA white, SM1A
ZK01026 Package mounting tube collector vertical, 3 collectors
SK07310 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU cylinder temperature sensor
SK05787 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU solar module, distributor for solar HU
Z012894 Fastening system rafter hook 10xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05830 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, Vitosolic 200
Z012912 Fastening system rafter hook 2xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012860 Fastening system rafter hook 10xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
Z012872 Fastening system rafter hook 4xSV Roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05786 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitosolic 200
ZK01508 Vitosol 200-F SVE 2.3m²
SK05807 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, solar module, silver
SK05812 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
SK07024 Package Vitosol 200-FM 2x SV2F without storage tank for Vitocal
ZK02454 Vitosol 200-FM, type SH2F (on-roof)
SK07347 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, vitographite
Z012906 Fastening system rafter hook 4xSV Roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05778 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
SK05789 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU solar module, with cylinder sensor
SK06317 Package Vitosol 100-FM SH1F, 6.9m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
SK05755 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-B 300l, CVBB
SK05788 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU solar module, distributor for solar HU
7561688 Vitosol 100-FM SVKG
SK05798 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 160-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vito silver
7571557 Vitosol 100-FM SV1F
Z012870 Fastening system rafter hook 2xSV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05754 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 6.9m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-B 500 l, CVB
SK07341 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, vitographite
Z012871 Fastening system rafter hook 3xSV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
Z012911 Fastening system rafter hook 1xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012901 Fastening system rafter hook 8xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012904 Fastening system rafter hook 2xSV Roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK05816 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, without controller
Z012857 Fastening system rafter hook 5xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05701 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKG with Vitocell 100-B CVBA and SD1
SK05776 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
SK05804 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
SK05827 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, Vitosolic 200
Z012910 Fastening system rafter hook 10xSV Roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
7637799 Vitosol 100-F SV1A 2.3m²
Z012858 Fastening system rafter hook 6xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
ZK02453 Vitosol 200-FM, type SV2F (on-roof)
7374161 Vitosol 200-F SH2A 2.3m² horizontal
SK05735 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 6.9m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
7637900 Vitosol 200-F SV2D 2.3m²
SK05839 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SD4
SK05738 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-U 300 l, CVUB
SK05808 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, solar module, silver
SK05815 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, without controller
SK05824 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU solar module, distributor for solar HU
7417766 Vitosol 300-F gross area 2.51 m2, absorber area 2.30 m2
SK06315 Package Vitosol 100-FM SH1F, 4.6m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
7637797 Vitosol 100-F SV1B 2.3m²
SK05730 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 6.9m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-B 500 l, CVB
SK07342 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 750l, Vitotrans 353, SM1A
SK07368 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKG Vitocell 100-W CVBA white, SD1
SK05785 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitosolic 200
ZK01023 Package mounting tube collector horizontally, 2 collectors
ZBT0132 Fastening system rafter hook 2 SV
SK05733 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SM1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
SK05814 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
SK05796 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vito silver
SK05771 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, solar module, vito silver
ZK01024 Horizontal tube collector attachment package, 3 collectors
SK07049 Vitosol 141-FM, type SVKG Vitocell 100-B CVBA silver, SM1A
SK05790 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU solar module, with cylinder sensor
SK05729 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 6.9m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 400 l, CVB
SK05800 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 140-E 950l, Vitotrans 353, SM1, vitopearlwhite
Z012876 Fastening system rafter hook 10xSV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK06285 Package Vitosol 100-FM SV1F, 4.6m², TW SD1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
SK05811 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, solar module, vitopearlwhite
7571556 Vitosol 100-FM SH1F
SK05772 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SV2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 950l, solar module, vito silver
ZK00854 Fastening system rafter hooks vertical with counter battens for Vitosol 200/300-T
ZK01025 Package mounting tube collector vertical, 2 collectors
7561684 Vitosol 200-FM SH2F
Z012890 Fastening system rafter hook 4xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
YX02204 Vitodens 200-W 13.0 kW
SK07348 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, vitographite
SK05764 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-U 300 l, CVUB
Z012855 Fastening system rafter hook 3xSV roof tile without counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05863 Package Vitosol 100-FM 2xSVKF for Vitodens 242-F
7537739 Vitosol 200-F SV2C 2.3m² vertical
SK05823 Vitosol 200-FM package, 4x SH2F, HU solar module, distributor for solar HU
SK07346 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SH2F, HU Vitocell 340-M 750l, vitographite
7417762 Vitosol 100-F SH1A 2.3m²
SK05749 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVBB
SK05769 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW solar module, SM1
Z012899 Fastening system rafter hook 5xSH roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK06287 Package Vitosol 100-FM SV1F, 6.9m², TW SD1 Vitocell 100-B 400 l, CVB
Z012888 Fastening system rafter hook 2xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012891 Fastening system rafter hook 5xSV roof tile without counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
Z012869 Fastening system rafter hook 1xSV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK05756 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 4.6m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-W 300 l, CVBB
7514374 Vitosol 200-F SVE 2.3m²
ZBT0096 Fastening system rafter hook 6 SV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
SK07307 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU cylinder temperature sensor
SK05737 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 6.9m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-B 500 l, CVB
SK05761 Package Vitosol 200-FM SH2F, 6.9m², TW SM1, Vitocell 100-B 500 l, CVB
ZBT0095 Fastening system rafter hook 4 SV roof tile with counter battens 0.75 kN/m²
7417768 Vitosol 100-F SH1B 2.3m²
SK05724 Package Vitosol 200-FM SV2F, 4.6m², TW SD1, Vitocell 100-B 300l, CVBB
SK07340 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 4x SV2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 750l, vitographite
Z012915 Fastening system rafter hook 5xSH roof tile with counter battens 1.25 kN/m²
SK07349 Package Vitosol 200-FM, 6x SH2F, HU Vitocell 360-M 950l, vitographite